Zeitschriftenartikel (international und national)
Knott J, Mueller M, Pander J, Geist J (in press) Habitat quality and biological community responses to innovative hydropower plant installations at transverse in‐stream structures. Journal of Applied Ecology. DOI: 10.1111/1365-2664.14593
Knott J, Mueller M, Pander J, Geist J (2023) Ecological assessment of the world's first shaft hydropower plant. Renewable and Sustainable Energy Reviews 187: 113727.
Knott J, Mueller M, Pander J, Geist J (2023) Downstream fish passage at small-scale hydropower plants: Turbine or bypass? Frontiers in Environmental Science 11:1168473.
Knott J, Mueller M, Pander J, Geist J (2023) Bigger than expected: Species- and size-specific passage of fish through hydropower screens. Ecological Engineering. 188:106883.
Mueller M, Knott J, Pander J, Geist J (2022) Experimental comparison of fish mortality and injuries at innovative and conventional small hydropower plants. Journal of Applied Ecology. 59: 2360-2372.
Stoeckle BC, Mueller M, Nagel C, Kuehn R, Geist J (2022) A conservation genetics perspective on supportive breeding: A case study of the common nase (Chondrostoma nasus). Aquatic Conservation: Marine and Freshwater Ecosystems. 32: 1596-1605.
van Treeck R, Radinger J, Smialek N, Pander J, Geist J, Mueller M, Wolter C (2022) Comparative assessment of hydropower risks for fishes using the novel European fish hazard Index. Sustainable Energy Technologies and Assessments, 51, 101906. DOI: 10.1016/j.seta.2021.101906
Geist J, Knott J, Mueller M, Ingermann H, Gerke M, Mayr C, Lohmeyer B, Pander J (2021) Fish ecological monitoring at innovative and conventional hydropower stations in Bavaria, Germany. Danube News, 43(21)
Nagel C, Mueller M, Pander J, Stoeckle BC, Kuehn R, & Geist J (2021) Going with the flow: Spatio‐temporal drift patterns of larval fish in a large alpine river. Freshwater Biology, 66(9), 1765-1781.
Mueller M, Knott J, Egg L, Bierschenk B, Pander J, Geist J, Genius D, Gerke M, Kammerlander H, Lohmeyer B, Mayr C (2020) Fischökologisches Monitoring an innovativen Wasserkraftanlagen. Abschlussbericht 2020 – Zusammenfassungen der Bände 1-11, Umwelt Spezial, Bayerisches Landesamt für Umwelt.
Mueller M, Sternecker K, Milz S, Geist J (2020) A rapid x-ray screening method to determine internal fish injury and causes of delayed mortality after hydropower turbine passage, PeerJ, under review.
Nagel C, Mueller M, Pander J, Geist J (2020) Making up the bed: Gravel cleaning as a contribution to nase (Chondrostoma nasus L.) spawning and recruitment success, Aquatic Conservation: Marine and Freshwater Ecosystems, under review.
Mueller M, Bierschenk AM, Bierschenk BM, Pander J, Geist J (2020) Effects of multiple stressors on the distribution of fish communities in 203 headwater streams of Rhine, Elbe and Danube. Science of The Total Environment 703; 134523
Nagel C, Pander J, Mueller M, Geist J (2020) Substrate composition determines emergence success and development of European nase larvae (Chondrostoma nasus L.). Ecology of Freshwater Fish 29; 121-131
Knott J, Mueller M, Pander J, Geist J (2020) Seasonal and diurnal variation of downstream fish movement at four small-scale hydropower plants. Ecology of Freshwater Fish 29; 74-88
Knott J, Mueller M, Pander J, Geist J (2019) Fish Passage and Injury Risk at a Surface Bypass of a Small-Scale Hydropower Plant. Sustainability 11; 6037
Smialek N, Pander J, Mueller M, van Treeck R, Wolter C, Geist J (2019) Do We Know Enough to Save European Riverine Fish? - A Systematic Review on Autecological Requirements During Critical Life Stages of 10 Rheophilic Species at Risk. Sustainability 11; 5011
Bierschenk AM, Mueller M, Pander J, Geist J (2019) Impact of catchment land use on fish community composition in the headwater areas of Elbe, Danube and Main. Science of the Total Environment 652, 66-74.
Knott J, Mueller M, Pander J, Geist J (2019) Effectiveness of catchment erosion protection measures and scale-dependent response of stream biota. Hydrobiologia 830, 77-92.
Pander J, Knott J, Mueller M, Geist J (2019) Effects of environmental flows in a restored floodplain system on the community composition of fish, macroinvertebrates and macrophytes. Ecological Engineering 132, 75-86.
Egg L, Pander J, Mueller M, Geist J (2019) Effectiveness of the electric fish fence as a behavioural barrier at a pumping station. Marine and Freshwater Research 70; 1459-1464
Mueller M, Pander J, Geist J (2018) Comprehensive analysis of > 30 years of data on stream fish population trends and conservation status in Bavaria, Germany. Biological Conservation 226; 311-320.
Pander J, Mueller M, Geist J (2018) Habitat diversity and connectivity govern the conservation value of restored aquatic floodplain habitats. Biological Conservation 217, 1-10.
Pander J, Mueller M, Knott J, Geist J (2018) Catch-related fish injury and catch efficiency of stow-net-based fish recovery installations for fish-monitoring at hydropower plants. Fisheries Management and Ecology,1–13.
Boys CA, Pflugrath BD, Mueller M, Pander J, Deng Zhiqun D, Geist J (2018) Physical and hydraulic forces experienced by fish passing through three different low-head hydropower turbines. Marine and Freshwater Research 69, 1934-1944.
Duerregger A, Pander J, Palt M, Mueller M, Nagel C, Geist J (2018) The importance of stream interstitial conditions for the early-life-stage development of the European nase (Chondrostoma nasus L.). Ecology of Freshwater Fish 27, 920--932.
Egg L, Pander J. Mueller M, Geist J (2018) Comparison of sonar-, camera- and net-based methods in detecting riverine fish-movement patterns. Marine and Freshwater Research 69; 1905-1912.
Mueller M, Pander J, Geist J (2017) Evaluation of external fish injury caused by hydropower plants based on a novel field-based protocol. Fisheries Management and Ecology 24, 240–255.
Mueller M, Pander J, Knott J, Geist J (2017) Comparison of nine different methods to assess fish communities in lentic flood-plain habitats. Journal of Fish Biology 91, 144–174.
Egg L, Mueller M, Pander J, Knott J, Geist J (2017) Improving European Silver Eel (Anguilla anguilla) downstream migration by undershot sluice gate management at a small-scalehydropower plant. Ecological Engineering 106; 349–357.
Belle CC, Stoeckle BC, Cerwenka AF, Kuehn R, Mueller M, Pander J, Geist J (2017) Genetic species identification in weatherfish and first molecular confirmation of Oriental Weatherfish Misgurnus anguillicaudatus (Cantor, 1842) in Central Europe. Knowledge and Management of Aquatic Ecosystems 418; 31.
Pander J, Mueller M, Knott J, Egg L, Geist J (2017) Is it Worth the Money? The Functionality of Engineered Shallow Stream Banks as Habitat for Juvenile Fishes in Heavily Modified Water Bodies. River Research and Applications 33; 63-72
Mueller M, Geist J (2016) Conceptual guidelines for the implementation of the ecosystem approach in biodiversity monitoring. Ecosphere 7(5):e01305.
Mueller M, Pander J, Stammel B, Gelhaus M (2016) Integrative Bewertung der Auswirkungen der Dynamisierung auf das Auenökosystem. In: Cyffka B, Binder F, Ewald J (Hrsg): Neue dynamische Prozesse im Auenwald – Monitoring der Auenrenaturierung an der Donau zwischen Neuburg und Ingolstadt. – Münster: Landwirtschaftsverlag, 2016. -S. 280-290. – (Naturschutz und Biologische Vielfalt; 150)
Pander J, Mueller M, Sacher M, Geist J (2016) The role of life history traits and habitat characteristics in the colonisation of a secondary floodplain by neobiota and indigenous macroinvertebrate species. Hydrobiologia 772; 229-245.
Boeker C, Lueders T, Mueller M, Pander J, Geist J (2016) Alteration of physico-chemical and microbial properties in freshwater substrates by burrowing invertebrates. Limnologica-Ecology and Management of Inland Waters 59; 131-139.
Pander J, Mueller M, Geist J (2015) Succession of fish diversity after reconnecting a large floodplain to the upper Danube River. Ecological Engineering 75; 41-50.
Pander J, Mueller M, Geist J (2015) A comparison of four stream substratum restoration techniques concerning interstitial conditions and downstream effects. River Research and Applications 31; 239-255.
Mueller M, Pander J, Geist J (2014) A new tool for assessment and monitoring of community and ecosystem change based on multivariate abundance data integration from different taxonomic groups. Environmental Systems Research 3, 12.
Mueller M, Pander J, Geist J (2014) The ecological value of stream restoration measures: An evaluation on ecosystem and target species scales. Ecological Engineering 62, 129-139.
Mueller M, Pander J, Geist J (2014) Taxonomic sufficiency in freshwater ecosystems: Effects of taxonomic resolution, functional traits and data transformation. Freshwater Science 32(3), 762-778.
Mueller M, Pander J, Wild R, Lueders T, Geist J (2013) The effects of stream substratum texture on interstitial conditions and bacterial biofilms: Methodological strategies. Limnologica-Ecology and Management of Inland Waters 43(2), 106-113.
Brandner J, Pander J, Mueller M, Cerwenka AF, Geist J (2013). Effects of sampling techniques on population assessment of invasive round goby Neogobius melanostomus. Journal of Fish Biology, 83, 2063-2079.
Pander J, Mueller M, Geist J (2013). Ecological functions of fish bypass channels in streams: Migration corridor and habitat for rheophilic species. River Research and Applications, 29(4), 441-450.
Stammel B, Cyffka B, Geist J, Mueller M, Pander J, Blasch G, Fischer P, Gruppe A, Haas F, Kilg M, Lang P, Schopf R, Schwab A, Utschick H, Weißbrod M (2012). Floodplain restoration on the Upper Danube (Germany) by re-establishing water and sediment dynamics: a scientific monitoring as part of the implementation. River Systems, 20(1-2), 1-2.
Mueller M, Pander J, Geist J (2011) The effects of weirs on structural stream habitat and biological communities. Journal of Applied Ecology 48(6), 1450-1461.
Vorträge (Auswahl)
Müller M (2022) Multivariate Statistik als Werkzeug zur Auswertung von Daten zur biologischen Vielfalt – Voraussetzungen und Möglichkeiten. Vortrag zum Expert*innen Gespräch „Übergreifende Auswertung von Daten zur biologischen Vielfalt“, Bundesamt für Naturschutz Leipzig
Müller M (2019) Tücken und Schwierigkeiten bei der Ermittlung von Mortalitätsraten aus Felddaten. Forum Fischschutz 2019, Augsburg, Dezember 2019, Impulsvortrag und Workshop.
Mueller M (2018) Evaluation of external and internal fish injury caused by hydropower plants using field-based methods and x-ray technology, Fish Passage, Albury, Dezember 2018, Konferenzvortrag.
Mueller M (2018) New Methods for the assessment of hydropower-induced fish damage in the field. International Symposium for Ecohydraulics, Tokio, August 2018, Konferenzvortrag.
Mueller M (2016) Effects of novel hydropower technologies on fish damage – methodological approaches. International Symposium for Ecohydraulics, Melbourne, Februar 2016, Konferenzvortrag.
Müller M (2014) Multivariate Statistik – ein rotes Tuch im Gewässermonitoring? Von klassischen Indices zu integrativen multivariaten Methoden. Plenarvortrag zum Nachwuchspreis auf der Jahrestagung der Deutschen Gesellschaft für Limnologie, Magdeburg, September 2014, Konferenzvortrag.
Müller M (2014) Alternative zur Bewertung nach Wasserrahmenrichtlinie: Ein integrativer Ansatz zur Quantifizierung von Ökosystemveränderungen. Jahrestagung der Deutschen Gesellschaft für Limnologie, Magdeburg, September 2014, Konferenzvortrag.
Mueller M (2013) How much taxonomic detail is required? The applicability of taxonomic sufficiency in freshwater biodiversity conservation. Leichhardt Symposium, Brisbane, Australia, October 2013, Konferenzvortrag.
Müller M, Pander J (2013) Verbesserung der Funktionalität von Fließgewässersubstraten. ANL Tagung: Strategien im Muschelschutz – Aktuelle Entwicklungen in Bayern und Europa, Freising, Germany, März 2013, Vortrag.
Müller M, Pander J (2012) Effekte von Querverbauungen auf aquatische Lebensgemeinschaften. Sachverständigen Kuratorium Fischerei, Fulda, Germany, March 2012, Vortrag.